The consequences of fracking and other forms of extreme energy for local environments and climate change seem obviously disastrous, so why do they persist? After 200 years of techno-capitalism, it is not just greed that has brought us to the brink of ecological disaster. But for technocrats, engineers and corporations, the solution is more of the same: technology will fix the problem, and let us continue business as usual. In this case, they think they can engineer the planet’s climate through insane experiments like blasting sulphur particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight, or trying to change the chemistry of the oceans. The results of these technofixes may be much worse than climate change. How can we stop these irrational schemes and move to a sustainable energy supply?
Introductions from:
- Frack-off – on fracking and other extreme energy technologies
- Pete Deane (Biofuelwatch) – on geoengineering
At 6pm there will be a discussion group at Fairly Square on the politics of technology, to which all are welcome. For more info contact, or visit Facebook: Breaking the Frame.
The second half of the event will be a seasonal party, including the launch of Luddite’s 200 long-awaited poetry anthology, ‘Words in Praise of Ned Ludd’. Pete the Temp will perform some of his and others’ Luddite poetry.