World Social Forum on Science and Democracy March 14th, evening
This event is the latest in a series that have taken place every two years, in conjunction with the World Social Forum. This year, the event will be in Belem, Brazil and we have organised to view a live stream of the event at the Balham Bowls Club pub, 7-9 Ramsden Rd, London SW12 8QX. The pub is close to both Balham overground and underground stations.
The streaming will be from 5pm to 9m: the idea is to be quite informal and sociable and to discuss the talks amongst ourselves. The likely schedule of talks (translated from Portuguese, with UK times) is below, although this is still subject to change. In the event of problems with the live streaming, we will screen a technology politics-related film. We look forward to seeing you there.
Conference schedule
IV. Science and Technology as a common good – part 2 (2h): 5pm UK time
Valéria Giannella (UFSB – Brazil), Ana Paula Antunes Martins (UNB / Ministry of Health – Brazil). “Science as a common good in the perspective of the ecology of knowledge”
Lygia Teresinha Lopes Simonian, (UFPA – Brazil): “Promotion of research based on community – the experience in Pan-Amazon”.
Patricia Fasano and Violeta Vidal (National University of Entre Ríos, Argentina): “Ethnography as an approach and research method that enables epistemic decolonization”
Online participation:
Sebastian Zarate (Catholic University – Peru). “Lima Makers, the first Peruvian space maker”
V. Assessment and governance of new technologies (2h): 7pm UK time
Participations in loco:
Arline Arcuri (Fundacentro – Brazil) and Jorge Pontes: (Fundacentro – Brazil) “Convergence of technology and industry 4.0: How are workers?”
Tânia Magno (UFS / Renansoma – Brazil): Science, Technology and Food Safety: transgenics and nanofoods between scientific ethics and market interests.
Online participations:
Ineke Malsch (Malsch Technical Evaluation / The Netherlands): “Future technologies we want”
David King, Human Genetics Alert (UK), Marcy Darnovsky, Center for Genetics and Society (USA). “The Threat of GM Babies”