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- Technology out of control? Drones, killer robots and the arms trade - July 8th 2013
- Nuclear Power: Climate Chiller or Silent Killer? - August 12th 2013
- Gender and the politics of technology - September 9th 2013
- Economic crisis and austerity: the Role of Technology - October 14th 2013
- Food, GM and synthetic biology - November 11th 2013
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Tag Archives: Million Climate Jobs Campaign
Of cakes and bakeries: the Lucas Plan and the politics of technology – part 2
The Lucas Plan: running the bakery This is the second of a two-part post looking at the Lucas Plan and the politics of technology. The first part looks at the context of the Lucas Plan in union struggles around technology … Continue reading
Public meeting – The politics of alternative technology and workers’ plans – Jan 2014 – report
The January Breaking the Frame café discussion focussed on ‘alternative’ approaches to technology development by green and left movements but, as Patrick Mulvaney, who is an advisor to Practical Action (formerly the Intermediate Technology Development Group; ITDG) pointed out, at … Continue reading
Posted in Event Videos & Reports
Tagged Agriculture, Appropriate technology, Biotechnology, Capitalism, Climate change, E F Schumacher, Environment, Events, Food, Illich, Industrialism, International Development, La Vie Campesina, Lucas Plan, Luddism, Million Climate Jobs Campaign, Neoliberalism, NGOs, Nuclear power, Practical Action, Socialism, Synthetic biology, Technocracy, Technofixes, Technology, Unions, Work
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Breaking the Frame programme of events 2013-14
Technology dominates our world, but many people think ‘its just a neutral tool’ or that technology = progress. Although it does bring some benefits, most technology designed and controlled by corporate, military and technocratic elites to serve their interests and … Continue reading
Posted in Event Listings
Tagged Appropriate technology, Arms trade, Article 36, Austerity, Bhopal, Big pharma, Biofuelwatch, Cancer, Corporate Watch, Digital technology, Drones, E F Schumacher, Econexus, Economic crisis, Eugenics, Events, Feminism, Food, Fracking, Gender, Geoengineering, Human Genetics, Killer robots, La Vie Campesina, London, Mental health, Million Climate Jobs Campaign, Monsanto, Nanotech, NHS, Nuclear power, Occupy London, Open Rights Group, Poetry, Practical Action, Psychiatry, Social control, Statewatch, Stop Hinkley Campaign, Surveillance, Synthetic biology, Technology
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